How ByteChek saves $170,000+ Each Year using Yac

Teresa Coble, the Marketing Manager at ByteChek, & AJ Yawn, Founder & CEO, often found themselves stuck between helping their team and trying to get their own work done. ByteChek helps companies with compliance automation, whether for SOC 2, HIPAA, or overarching cybersecurity, so getting context right as a team is crucial. For Teresa, the default was often lengthy Slack messages or, if the message was too complicated or would take too much time to write out, a Zoom call. Given the complexity of ByteChek’s work, Teresa ended up in 22 hours of Zoom meetings per week, leaving her next to no time to do her own execution-focused work. Then she started using Yac to send voice messages for anything that required context, but didn’t need back-and-forth brainstorming, and it saved her alone 11 hours of meetings per week. Here’s how.

This company's experience before using Yac and after using Yac

The problem: Slack & meeting purgatory

ByteChek uses Slack as the foundation of their virtual office, so team conversations naturally gravitated to the platform. Whenever someone had a lot to say or needed to explain something contextually though, people would immediately jump to booking a “quick” Zoom chat

The whole team slowly became inundated with meeting purgatory, particularly Teresa. It wasn’t just the meeting time itself, but everything else that came with a meeting including the:

  • Group conversation where everyone tried to type it out first on Slack.
  • Time it took for someone to finally break and say “can we just meet quickly about this?”
  • Scheduling time to book a meeting.
  • Productivity delay in between a problem arising and the next available time for a meeting.
  • Meeting itself. 
  • Post-meeting follow up.

Teresa found herself in 22 hours of meetings per week, not including all the pre- and post-meeting time. 

“With that kind of meeting schedule, when am I supposed to actually work?” she rhetorically asked.

The solution: Yac in multiple use cases

After ByteChek CEO AJ Yawn learned about Yac, he asked some team members to try it out. Teresa said her team was concerned about downloading yet another app, but liked that Yac had a free tier they could try out. Teresa also remarked that she liked how easy Yac was to use - you just open it and you can start recording voice messages. Immediately, people could record yacs and share the link within Slack, making it easy for people to respond to Slack messages with voice, keeping Slack as the company’s communications hub. 

(PS - want to integrate Yac with Slack? Check out our integration here)

After about two weeks, Teresa (and the entire ByteChek marketing team) found multiple key use cases for Yac: 

  • Sharing ideas: Instead of booking a 25-30 minute meeting, they could send 1-2 minute yacs back and forth.
  • Quick touch-bases: Yacs became the go-to tool for quick check-ins or procedural conversations that didn’t need to be a synchronous meeting. 
  • Voice memos and reminders: Instead of relying on rubber ducks, Teresa records a voice memo in Yac - just like Mac the VC does here
  • Virtual networking: In outside communities, Teresa and her colleagues can respond to people’s questions with yacs, adding both a personal element and way more context to the conversation. 

All in, Teresa was able to eliminate 11 hours of meetings per week from her calendar without losing any context.

“I love using Yac to replace meetings that don’t have to be meetings in the first place"

On top of meeting time saved, Teresa noticed another huge benefit to Yac: improved productivity and context sharing. In their previous way of work, there was a lot of Slacking back and forth before jumping to a Zoom call. With Yac, Teresa noticed that the team now sends fewer explanatory Slack messages to get the point across. Everyone gets the same (or better) context in far less time, meaning more productivity and fewer interruptions. 

Teresa even sends yacs back and forth with her long-distance partner, which she said adds a bit more humanity into their relationship than simply texting all the time.

Could this be a yac?

The entire ByteChek team loves that Yac is the perfect tool for “middle” messages. Before, the team was stuck on a binary: explain it in Slack or book a Zoom call. “Middle” messages were any complex message that would have taken the team more than five minutes to type out: long explanations, situations with multiple pathways forward, or personal check-ins just to see how someone is doing with a task and asking if they have any small blockers. 

With Yac, Teresa and her team saved hours of meetings per week, increased the quality of communication, and made it all way more convenient. 

“It used to be that when I needed to talk to someone, I had to put a time in their calendar,” said Teresa. “Now, we have an easy filter: could this be a yac?”

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