


This update is a big one folks. We've completely redone the UX around creating new threads, brought the desktop app around to better mirror the mobile app, and moved the new discussion and invite options inside the new conversation list. See below for a list of all changes and fixes.

  1. Completely redesigned tabs and compose interface
  2. You can now delete your account in settings
  1. Fixed back button on top of settings screen
  2. Bug with webcam & screenshare prep time
  3. Bug where starting over screen share reverts to audio recording
  4. Bug where starting over webcam reverts to audio recording
  5. Fixed missing border-left on message items
  6. Transcript line not truncating correctly upon initial load
  7. Fixed non-responsive fill color for X button on all drawers
  8. Fixed deeplink notification click events not playing message
  9. Fixed issue causing nested replies to always expand upon load if there's unread outgoing message in it
  1. Sidebar inside conversations
  2. Sidebar on the main home page
January 7, 2022

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this update, please contact us.